Best keyboard layout for typing
What is the best keyboard layout for typing? It is a common yet controversial question that almost everyone wants to know. Dvorak lovers claimed that it is the best and fastest keyboard layout. On the other side, QWERTY lovers take the example of Stella Pajunas Garnand, who made the world record by typing 216 words in a minute using an IBM electric typewriter. So in this post, we will try to understand the effect of keyboard layout on our typing performance.
Qwerty vs. Dvorak vs. Colemak
QWERTY is the oldest and widely used keyboard layout. Although it was designed to make typing slow, many typists can easily type at 100 WPM speed, which I believe is incredible. So we can say that anyone can achieve great speed in any keyboard layout by just practicing. And it is almost impossible to find out the fastest keyboard layout by comparing the output of two typists.
QWERTY vs Dvorak vs Colemak

To understand these layouts and choose the best one, we need to analyze them more scientifically. All the major keyboard layouts (Dvorak, Qwerty, and Colemak) has three keys row. The middle row is called the home row. You can see in the image QWERTY has nine keys in the home row, while the other two have ten keys. The home row is the place where the fingers are initially placed. That's mean the key that present in the home row requires less finger movement and time. As the Dvorak and the Colemak layout have one key more than the QWERTY layout, these two indeed perform a little better than the QWERTY keyboard.
- E is the most typed alphabet followed by T, A, O, I, and N.
- You can type 30 to 32 common English words using only the home row keys of a QWERTY keyboard. For a Colemak keyboard, the number is 436 and with a Dvorak keyboard, 282 words could be typed by using only the home row keys.
- QWERTY keyboard was designed by Christopher Latham Sholes in the year 1867.
- August Dvorak and William Dealey developed the Dvorak layout in the year 1936, and the Colemak keyboard layout was designed in the year 2006 by Shai Coleman.
Let's discuss further and find the best one. We have conducted an experiment and stored over 6000 commonly used English words in our database to find out the words we can type by the keys present in the home row.
The result is really surprising; we found only 30 words that we can type using the keys of the home row of a QWERTY keyboard. Here is the list.
List of words you can type using the home row keys of a QWERTY keyboard.
- glass
- glad
- gas
- flash
- flash
- flag
- fall
- fall
- dad
- ask
- as
- as
- as
- all
- all
- all
- ah
- add
- ad
- half
- half
- half
- half
- hall
- sad
- salad
- shall
- slash
- ash
- lad
Dvorak vs Colemak
On the other side, 282 words could be typed by the Dvorak keyboard layout's home row keys. And when we check the third one, the result is fascinating; you can type 436 common English words using the home row keys of a Colemak keyboard. Here is the list.
List of words you can type using the home row keys of a Dvorak keyboard.
- estate
- end
- end
- edition
- edit
- eat
- east
- east
- east
- dust
- due
- donate
- do
- dishonest
- dish
- disease
- diet
- die
- destination
- dentist
- death
- dead
- date
- date
- data
- dad
- aunt
- attitude
- attention
- attention
- attend
- at
- assistant
- assistant
- assist
- assess
- as
- as
- as
- and
- aid
- aid
- ahead
- ah
- addition
- add
- ad
- tooth
- too
- tone
- toe
- to
- to
- tin
- tie
- tie
- thus
- thousand
- this
- this
- this
- thin
- then
- the
- that
- that
- that
- that
- than
- than
- test
- test
- tent
- tennis
- tend
- ten
- tea
- taste
- taste
- sun
- suit
- suit
- sudden
- studio
- student
- stone
- status
- statue
- station
- state
- state
- state
- stand
- stand
- south
- south
- south
- sound
- sound
- soon
- son
- so
- so
- used
- use
- use
- us
- united
- unit
- union
- tune
- hand
- hand
- hat
- hate
- hate
- he
- head
- head
- heat
- heat
- hesitate
- hi
- hide
- his
- his
- hit
- hit
- honest
- host
- host
- hot
- house
- house
- hunt
- hunt
- I
- idea
- in
- in
- indeed
- inside
- inside
- inside
- inside
- insist
- instead
- institute
- institution
- intend
- intended
- intense
- intention
- into
- issue
- issue
- IT
- it
- its
- nation
- neat
- need
- need
- need
- net
- nine
- nineteen
- no
- no
- no one
- noise
- none
- nose
- not
- note
- note
- notion
- nut
- odd
- oh
- on
- on
- one
- one
- one
- onion
- onto
- out
- out
- outside
- outside
- outside
- outside
- sad
- sand
- sea
- season
- seat
- seat
- see
- seed
- send
- sense
- sense
- session
- set
- set
- shade
- she
- sheet
- shine
- shoe
- shoot
- shot
- shout
- shout
- shut
- shut
- side
- sit
- site
- situation
- saint
- sensation
- shed
- shoot
- sin
- situated
- sound
- stun
- sue
- suite
- sustain
- teens
- tenant
- tension
- thesis
- tide
- tissue
- ton
- tonne
- toss
- tuition
- unite
- aide
- ash
- aside
- assassination
- asset
- attain
- audio
- audit
- auto
- deed
- dense
- detain
- detention
- distant
- donation
- dose
- dot
- duo
- ease
- ease
- ensue
- enthusiast
- haunt
- hidden
- hint
- hint
- ID
- idiot
- initiate
- instant
- intent
- nest
- net
- nod
- nonsense
- noon
- odds
List of words you can type using the home row keys of a Colemak keyboard.
- estate
- error
- entire
- entertain
- enter
- end
- end
- either
- either
- either
- editor
- edition
- edit
- eat
- eastern
- east
- east
- east
- earth
- earn
- ear
- dressed
- dress
- dress
- door
- donate
- do
- dishonest
- dish
- disease
- disaster
- dirt
- dinner
- diet
- die
- destination
- desire
- desire
- desert
- desert
- dentist
- death
- dear
- dear
- dead
- date
- date
- data
- dad
- attention
- attention
- attend
- at
- assistant
- assistant
- assist
- assess
- as
- as
- as
- artist
- art
- arrest
- arrest
- arise
- area
- another
- another
- and
- air
- aid
- aid
- ahead
- ah
- address
- address
- addition
- add
- ad
- trend
- tree
- treat
- transition
- trainer
- train
- train
- tradition
- trade
- trade
- tooth
- too
- tone
- toe
- to
- to
- tired
- tin
- tie
- tie
- throat
- three
- threaten
- threat
- this
- this
- this
- thirteen
- third
- thin
- there
- then
- theirs
- their
- theatre
- the
- that
- that
- that
- that
- than
- than
- test
- test
- tent
- tennis
- tend
- ten
- tear
- tear
- tea
- taste
- taste
- T-shirt
- stress
- stress
- street
- store
- store
- stone
- station
- state
- state
- state
- start
- start
- stare
- star
- star
- standard
- standard
- stand
- stand
- stair
- sort
- sort
- soon
- son
- so
- so
- hair
- hand
- hand
- hard
- hard
- hat
- hate
- hate
- he
- head
- head
- hear
- heart
- heat
- heat
- her
- her
- here
- hero
- hers
- hesitate
- hi
- hide
- hire
- hire
- his
- his
- hit
- hit
- honest
- horror
- horse
- host
- host
- hot
- I
- idea
- in
- in
- indeed
- indoor
- indoors
- inner
- inside
- inside
- inside
- inside
- insist
- instead
- intend
- intended
- intense
- intention
- interest
- interest
- interested
- internet
- into
- iron
- iron
- IT
- it
- its
- nation
- near
- near
- near
- neat
- need
- need
- need
- neither
- neither
- neither
- net
- nine
- nineteen
- no
- no
- no one
- noise
- none
- nor
- nor
- north
- north
- north
- northern
- nose
- not
- note
- note
- notion
- odd
- oh
- on
- on
- one
- one
- one
- onion
- onto
- or
- order
- order
- other
- other
- radio
- rain
- rain
- raise
- rare
- rate
- rate
- rather
- read
- reader
- reason
- red
- red
- rent
- rent
- resident
- resident
- resist
- resort
- rest
- rest
- retain
- retire
- retired
- rid
- ride
- ride
- rise
- rise
- road
- root
- sad
- sand
- sea
- season
- seat
- seat
- see
- seed
- send
- senior
- sense
- sense
- series
- session
- set
- set
- shade
- share
- share
- she
- sheet
- shine
- shirt
- shoe
- shoot
- short
- shot
- side
- sir
- sister
- sit
- site
- raid
- rat
- ratio
- rear
- rear
- render
- reside
- restoration
- restore
- restraint
- retreat
- retreat
- riot
- rod
- rose
- rotate
- rotation
- saint
- senator
- sensation
- shatter
- shed
- sheer
- shoot
- shore
- sin
- soar
- steer
- stir
- strain
- strand
- teens
- tenant
- tender
- tension
- terrain
- terror
- terrorist
- thesis
- thread
- tide
- ton
- tonne
- toss
- trait
- transit
- trio
- adhere
- aide
- arena
- ash
- aside
- assassination
- assert
- assertion
- asset
- attain
- dare
- deed
- dense
- detain
- detention
- deteriorate
- disorder
- distant
- distort
- distress
- distress
- donation
- donor
- dose
- dot
- drain
- ease
- ease
- endorse
- era
- harsh
- hatred
- hidden
- hint
- hint
- historian
- horn
- ID
- idiot
- inherent
- inherit
- initiate
- insert
- insertion
- insider
- instant
- intent
- interior
- interior
- nest
- net
- nod
- nonsense
- noon
- odds
- orientation
- radar
- radiation
- raid
Now it is clear that Colemak keyboard user needs to move fingers less than the QWERTY users. And less finger movement means quick typing. Although many QWERTY typists can really type fast, it's proved that Dvorak and Colemak are more scientifically designed to make your typing faster.
I hope this fair comparison helps you learn something new.
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