How long does it take to be an expert typist?

Everybody want to type like a pro, but after practicing some days many of us leave the hope and stop practicing. In this post, I will try to explain how long it may take to learn to type and be an expert typist.
The time, need to learn typing varies from person to person. Actually, it depends on many things like practicing time, typing method and many other things. But the most vital thing is knowing and using the right process of typing.
Without having the proper knowledge of touch typing, it is simply not possible to increase typing speed to 80 WPM. So, first of all, you need to know the typing rules. To learn all the process and rules of typing you may read this article. Touch typing course.
After knowing the right process it is very important to practice at least 1 hour a day. You may divide your practice session into two parts one is typing text and another is playing typing games.
Recently we have conducted an experiment on 50 personals on how they develop the typing skill day by day. And we found some interesting data. A person, who practice 1 hour a day, can double his typing speed within just two months.
Isn't it interesting? That means you can increase your typing speed up to 100% within just 2 months. Here we have ready a diagram to explain how the typing skill increases day by day.

In this graph, you can see that an average person can boost his/her typing ability up to 200% within just 3 months of regular practicing.
That's mean you may learn to type and double your typing speed within 2 just months if you can practice consecutively for 12 weeks. This result may vary from person to person but you continue practicing, you will get a good result.
So now don't waste your time and just practice.
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