Why kids should practice typing regularly?

Many of you may think that there are many subject to learn for a kid. So why should my child learn to type? What's the benefit of typing? In this post, we discuss why kids should practice typing regularly.
The development of a child's brain is influenced by many things. The environment is one of them. A child always is a good learner and their brain is just like water, it takes the shape of the pot where you keep it. Your child wants to learn everything, and it's your duty to give your child the best thing to learn.
According to a recent research 90% of human brain develops by the Age of 6 yrs. So if your baby is 6 - 7 years old then this is the right time to teach him/her typing.
So why typing is a good option to learn? Nowadays the computer is an indispensable part of our educational system. A computer is used in everywhere, so your kid should know at least the fundamental things of a computer. Also, a recent study says that regular Typing can develop the brain to process any data. It can improve the hands and eye combination. That's why it is one of the most attractive subjects to learn.
But sometimes it feels so annoying that kids don't want to practice typing. This is one of the most common problem. And the answer is games. Games is a good option to raise attention for the computer in your child.

Play typing games
Computer game helps to develop the brain. Computer games can develop the image processing power and quick thinking and decision making ability in a child. So it is good to allow them to spend time on computer games.
But remember not all games are good for your kids. Try to encourage your kids to play constructive games. Typing games are one of the best choices I believe. And the benefit of playing typing games is your kids can learn to type while enjoying the game.
In onlinetyping.org we design games to play and grow touch typing skill. It is a unique way to learn something. Sometimes it feels bored to practice typing, but we all love computer games so it's a great process to learn to type while enjoying the game. Here are some typing games for kids.
Some typing games for kids
1. Keyboard typing games
Keyboard typing game is an online typing game for beginners. It is best to learn typing in elementary label. Idols for kids. Play this game
2. Letter typing games
It is an online typing game with attractive graphics. Very attractive game for kids. Play this game
3. Typing War Master
Typing War Master is an online fighting game developed to practice typing. It is good for beginners as well as the experienced learner. Graphics will definitely attract kids. Play this game
Hope now you encourage your kid to play computer games, I mean typing games. If you have any question let us know in the comment section.
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