How to type symbol?

24 August 2020Admin

Writing special characters is as important as the other English words. But many of us don’t know how to type common symbols quickly. Although, it is very easy to type a symbol using alt code (on Windows OS only). So in this post, I am going to list out a bunch of alt symbols. So that you can better understand it and use it when you need it. So let’s start.

Alt code

How to type Alt code?

First of all, you have to understand that this system only works in the Windows operating system. If you are using Mac OS, this list of Alt code will not works. Now to type code, you have to on the num lock, and by pressing the ALT key, you have to type the numeric keys using ten key sets.

A brief history of Alt code;

In the early 70s, the IBM Corporation developed a way to type the special characters that are not possible to type by a keyboard. They designed a set of code that can be credited by pressing the Alt and numeric keys together. Latter Microsoft re-develop this and implement in Windows OS. This set of keys called ANSI and OEM codes.

Now, as the Unicode system is entirely developed, and almost every modern system adopt this method, the uses of Alt codes decrease. But still, now it is one of the easiest ways to type symbols.


Alt + 16 (Right Pointer)
Alt + 17 (Left Pointer)
Alt + 30 (Up Pointer)
Alt + 31 (Down Pointer)
Alt + 18 (Up Down Arrow)
Alt + 23 (Up Down Arrow with base)
Alt + 24 (Up Arrow)
Alt + 25 (Down Arrow)
Alt + 26 (Right Arrow)
Alt + 27 (Left Arrow)
Alt + 29 (Left Right Arrow)

Currency Symbols

£ Alt + 156 (Pound)
Alt + 0128 (Euro)
$ Alt + 36 (Dollar)
¢ Alt + 155 (Cent)
¥ Alt + 157 (Yen)
Alt + 158 (Peseta)
ƒ Alt + 159 (Frank)

Mathematical Symbols

Alt + 28 (Right Angle)
Alt + 19 (Double exclamation mark)
§ Alt + 21 (Section sign)
Alt + 22 (Minus Sign)
% Alt + 37 (Percent)
( Alt + 40 (Brackets)
) Alt + 41 (Brackets)
{ Alt + 123 (curly brackets symbol)
} Alt + 125 (curly brackets symbol)
* Alt + 42 (asterisk symbol)
+ Alt + 43 (Sum)
- Alt + 45 (Minus Sign)
/ Alt + 47 (Backslash)
< Alt + 60 (Greater than)
> Alt + 62 (Less than)
= Alt + 61 (Equal)
Alt + 169 (Reversed Not Sign)
¬ Alt + 170 (Not Sign)
½ Alt + 171 (Half)
¼ Alt + 172 (One fourth)
¼ Alt + 0188 (One fourth)
½ Alt + 0189 (Half)
¾ Alt + 0190 (Three fourth)
¡ Alt + 173 (Inverted exclamation mark)
« Alt + 174 (Punctuation mark)
» Alt + 175 (Punctuation mark)
α Alt + 224 (Alpha)
ß Alt + 225 (Eszett)
Γ Alt + 226 (Gamma)
π Alt + 227 (Pi)
Σ Alt + 228 (Sigma)
σ Alt + 229 (Sigma)
µ Alt + 230 (Mu)
τ Alt + 231 (Torque)
Φ Alt + 232 (Phi)
Θ Alt + 233 (Theta)
Ω Alt + 234 (Omega)
δ Alt + 235 (Delta)
Alt + 236 (Infinity)
φ Alt + 237 (Phi)
ε Alt + 238 (Epsilon)
Alt + 239 (Intersection)
Alt + 240 (Identically equal)
± Alt + 241 (Plus–minus sign)
Alt + 242 (Greater than equal)
Alt + 243 (Less than equal)
Alt + 244 (Top Half Integral)
Alt + 245 (Bottom Half Integral)
÷ Alt + 246 (Division sign)
Alt + 247 (Approximately equal to)
Alt + 251 (Square root)
Alt + 252

Cards Symbols

Alt + 3 (heart)
Alt + 4 (diamonds)
Alt + 5 (clubs)
Alt + 6 (spades)

Other Symbols

Alt + 7
Alt + 8
Alt + 9
Alt + 10
Alt + 11 (Male Sign)
Alt + 12 (Female Sign)
Alt + 13 (Eighth Note - Music Symbols)
Alt + 14 (Beamed Eighth Note - Music Symbols)
Alt + 20 (Pilcrow - paragraph sign)
Alt + 15
Alt + 1 (smiley)
Alt + 2 (Smiley)
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